Garage Vision
Garage Vision

This is a tablet app that we built for garage door company for their salesmen to use when visiting a customer to customize a garage door and then it allows them to visualize what it would look like using a photo of their house. The other part of the app allows them to plan out cabinets and other hardware inside the garage. The app has a cloud back-end that allows their users to save and edit jobs and then view a summary of the parts and calculate pricing. The app is also designed to be used by different garage door companies with an online portal for them to manage their products and pricing.
I built the whole mobile app in Unity with a UI was originally designed by our team in Figma. When we added the garage interior section I did a lot of work on designing how that would look and work. I also worked with our back-end team to implement the online features and how data would be configured and saved.

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